Woman filling glass with tap water for drinking on the kitchen

Water Quality

Do you know what is in your drinking water? Thankfully, as a customer of Mobile Area Water and Sewer System (MAWSS), you don’t have to worry about contaminants or other harmful substances in your water. At MAWSS, we take water quality very seriously and have been recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for our efforts.  Find out more about the steps we take at MAWSS to ensure the safety of your water. 

Why Water Quality and Reliability is Important

The quality of our water is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Drinking water free of harmful impurities provides the hydration and nutrients our bodies need. Contaminated water carries harmful water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid and dysentery. Exposure to these pathogens could make you and your family very sick. This is why MAWSS follows the protocol set by the EPA and other state agencies to ensure the safety of your water. Having a reliable water source also provides sufficient resources for fire protection.

Water Quality and Economic Development  

Water quality has a significant impact on our city’s economic development. Cities thrive on sufficient water supplies that are safe to consume. Without a clean water source, citizens are risk of developing disease and becoming impoverished. The reliable water and sanitary system MAWSS provides allows a business to run more efficiently while reducing costs. Cities reap the benefits of improved economic growth and stability when provided with efficient and reliable water and sewer system facilities.

State and National Recognition

Over the years, our wastewater and water treatment facilities have received several state and national environmental awards. The H.E. Myers Filtration Plant and the E. Morgan Stickney Filtration Facility have both received an Award of Excellence bestowed by the Alabama Water Pollution Control Association. The Association also named the E. Morgan Stickney Facility the Best Operated Plant in Alabama in 2006. Our Wastewater System Facilities have also received stellar performance records. The Clifton C. Williams Wastewater Treatment Plant Platinum Peak Performance Award from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) in 2005. It was also honored to be named Best Operated Plant in Alabama by the Alabama Water Pollution Control Association (AWPCA) and Alabama’s Water Environment Association. The Wright Smith, Jr. Wastewater Treatment Plant was recognized by NACWA for perfect regulatory compliance and received the Platinum Peak Performance Award.

Our water treatment facilities have been named Optimized Plants by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM). Plants with this distinction consistently exceed treatment standards set by the EPA and ADEM. This ensures an added level of protection for the public.

The quality of your water is important to us at MAWSS. You can trust that the water you receive from our treatment facilities is safe, clean and far exceeds the requirements set by state and national regulations. We offer tours of our facilities for those who want to dive deeper into learning more about our water treatment process.

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